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Run Ghost, run !
Hide! Humans are coming!

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Rules in a video (FR) :

It's playtime for ghosts !
Play as a group of mischievous ghosts, trying to sneak through a hotel… without being seen by the humans peeking through the keyhole!

Pas vu pas pris: Vidéo

A very original mechanism that feels just a little bit naughty.

2 to 4 players

From the age of 8

30 mins

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"Pas vu pas pris" en vidéos !
This channel is coming soon!

Authors: Phil Vizcarro and Amine Rahmani (Cosmo Duck)

Illustrator: Sylvain Aublin

Download the rules (in French)

Téléchargez les règles du jeu BONUS - dès 6 ans (en français)

Download the game rules (in English)

Download the BONUS game rules - from 6 years old (in English)

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